Collabocratic Commercial Software Packages

Create opportunities and new ways of earning money in the globalised market for your life and for the benefits of your suppliers, clients, consumers and collaborators in the Artificial Intelligence Age with our Freedom eE Commercial, financial and social Incentives Economy


OPTIMISE your virtual workspace, cultivate impactful commercial collaborations and reap instant benefits.

FORGE enduring bonds with aligned suppliers, clients, consumers, investors and allies, amplifying your shared values.

REVOLUTIONISE your business approach and achieve unparalleled success, whilst shaping an ethical, accountable and liberated global market.

Experience Freedom eE’s Responsible COLLABOCRATIC Economy with a 3-Month Free Trial!

Sign up now and enjoy a 3-month trial period with no monthly subscription costs. During this period, you will only pay a 5% commission to Freedom eE on your direct sales when utilising the Back Office Software Management for your Professional, Social and Investment negotiations. Additionally, you can diversify your economic income through indirect sales (co-selling) conducted through ethical networking, responsible marketing, ethical sales, responsible consumption, ethical awareness, responsible investments and ethical financing, endorsing third-party products whilst third parties endorse your and your products or services. This is an exchange of commercial opportunities paid in predefined commissions, only when commercial services in indirect sales (co-selling) are used to carry out a commercial transaction.

For more details, visit the Multiple Revenue Streams section.

After the 3-Month Trial:

You will receive a personalised email to select the commercial platforms you wish to use and choose between Individual or Combo software commercial plans, including local and/or international FREEDOM eE’s  PHYGITAL COLLABOCRATIC Marketing and Sales Campaigns and Events. This is your unique opportunity to customise your commercial evolution according to your specific needs.

Remember, today’s actions shape our tomorrow.

Join the Responsible COLLABOCRATIC Economy of Freedom eE – where your goals become our mission!


At FreedomeE, we offer unique software products that are more than just tools – they are powerful catalysts for your professional values, entrepreneurial health and financial objectives. Let us take a closer look.


Marketplace With Back Office Commercial Software Package

Marketplace Software with COLLABOCRATIC Marketing and Sales Solutions

Connect with entrepreneurs and like-minded professionals, achieving your professional and social objectives whilst accumulating Freedom eE points. 

You will pay a 5% commission on all sales made by using the COLLABOCRATIC Professional, Entrepreneurial and Financial Objectives, connected on Freedom eE software hub.

COLLABOCRATIC Marketplace Software:

Manage your store and all your COLLABOCRATIC businesses through your digital office in the FreedomeE Back Office. Reach your goals in collaboration with Opinion Leaders, Vendors, Brand Ambassadors, Influencers, Educators, Social IMPACTEURS of Kindness, Financiers and Investors through authentic endorsements and simultaneous communications via the Marketing Agenda Software, which manages many-to-many, many-to-one, and one-to-many marketing, sales and funding business interactions. 

Subscribe to our Marketplace With Back Office Software from €9 to €69 per month and achieve your professional values, entrepreneurial health and financial objectives with Freedom eE points.

Close up of people pointing to a graph with data. There is also a digital tablet and a laptop on the table.

Around Commercial Software Packages

Around Software with Freedom eE Ethical Entrepreneurial Well-Being Guide

You will have a page in our Ethical Entrepreneurial Well-being Guide to describe your product, service and physical establishment through the Around software, with COLLABOCRATIC Connections for Professional Values, Entrepreneurial Health and Financial Objectives , and you will be able to manage our ethical commercial transactions through your digital office in the FreedomeE Back Office. 

Subscribe our Around Software from €9 to €79 per month and achieve  your professional values, entrepreneurial health and financial objectives with Freedom eE points.


Learning Commercial Software Packages

Learning Software connected with COLLABOCRATIC Marketing and Sales Solutions

You will be able to promote and sell your courses to an audience that shares your values and enthusiasm for learning and growth.

The course platform is connected to COLLABOCRATIC Marketing and Sales on the Freedom eE Marketplace and managed through your digital office in the FreedomeE Back Office. 

Subscribe from €9 to €39 per month and achieve your professional values, entrepreneurial health and financial objectives with Freedom eE points.

Streaming Software is being upgraded. Coming Soon.

Stay tuned!

We are preparing a COLLABOCRATIC streaming experience for you.